Karazin University Celebrated the 216th Anniversary of its Founding
November 18, 2020
Author: Veronika Vetukhova

The celebration ended with a quest around Karazin University’s historical and modern places.
On November 17, 2020, Karazin University celebrated the 216th anniversary of its founding.
Due to the quarantine caused by the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus infection, the festivities took place online.
In particular, everyone interested could take part in the competition from the University President, Vil Bakirov, and answer the question about the number of Kharkiv streets and avenues named after the University professors, alumni, and people connected with Karazin University. The first person to write the correct number will receive a prize.
There was also an opportunity to participate in competitions from the Center for Web Communications of the University Center for Public Relations: for the most creative congratulation to the University and for the attention of Instagram users. In the latter it was necessary to count the number of images of the University emblem in the photo.
The Primary Trade Union Organization of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students of Karazin University prepared a video greeting from the University President and Vice-Presidents, the team of the Union, a giveaway where it was necessary to describe the realities of student life, a quiz on the history of the holiday (International Students’ Day) and the University. It was also possible to win gifts from partners in the interactives "Catch Karazin" and "Stop the Arrow".
In addition, on November 18, 2020, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the opening of Karazin Student Hall, an online concert was held. Performers sang their songs, played musical instruments. The event was attended by the University President, Vil Bakirov; Vice-President Anatolii Babichev; Deputy Head of the HR Department, Serhii Makhnovskyi; Head of the Primary Trade Union Organization of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students of Karazin University, Daria Bortnykova; Head of the Student Council, Viktor Chumakov; Head of the Campus Student Council, Vladyslav Kozak. They congratulated the staff of Karazin Student Hall on the holiday and answered students' questions.
The celebration ended with a quest around Karazin University’s historical and modern places. The participants scanned QR codes, solved riddles and searched for locations. Everyone who reached the final, received gifts from the Primary Trade Union Organization of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the University Student Council and Karazin Promo: a bag, sweatshirts, T-shirts, face masks, shopper bags, etc.