Karazin University Given Continued Access to Scopus and Web of Science in 2019
June 18, 2019
Author: Veronika Vetukhova

The access to these databases is available on all computers via Karazin University network
Since the beginning of June 2019, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has provided access to the international scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science, financed from the state budget, to more than 200 research institutions. One of them is Karazin University.
Access is provided for the purpose of developing the research potential of universities, maintaining an appropriate scientific and technical level.
Scopus is an international abstract and scientometric database of Elsevier company. It indexes about 22,800 scientific publications, 150,000 books, conference materials, etc.
Web of Science is a collection of scientometric databases located on the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science platform.
The use of scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science in research activity makes it possible to follow international research, to receive relevant and high-quality information on the topics of one’s research, to cooperate with foreign partners, and to receive information on quoting.
The access to these databases is available on all computers via Karazin University network.