To international students of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
August 4, 2022
Author: Margarita Moroz

Dear student of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
This encouraging message is for you personally as well as for your family: in this time of trial and tribulations for Ukraine and the whole world, Karazin community has not stopped its research and educational activities; moreover, it has intensified its work, aided by friends from all over the globe.
The University administration guarantees that, despite the temporary difficulties which our country and, in particular, our city are facing, Karazin University shall continue functioning and shall fulfill all its contractual obligation: in the academic year 2022/2023, the educational process shall go according to schedule. In accordance with the decision of the Government of Ukraine, the educational process in the first semester is to be conducted in the remote mode; the decision about the second semester will depend on the situation in the country and the world.
Taking into account that medical education has a significant practical component, Karazin University has concluded agreements with a number of higher educational establishments and medical institutions in Europe, Asia and Africa, which agreed to provide practical training for foreign students of Karazin University offline, i. e., in person.
Karazin University medical students will be given the possibility of supplementing learning remotely with offline studies in such countries as Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey. In addition, there is another option — learning according to the programmes of Karazin University on the base of higher educational establishments in Turkey, Nigeria, Georgia, China. Finally, one more option is to continue your classical education in Turkey with participation of our best teachers and using the clinical practice base of Turkish medical universities.
Such are the new approaches for providing educational services at Karazin University, which obviously merit deep consideration on your part. However, we would like to point out that getting a degree at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, which is recognized all over the world, is sure to be a dream start of your medical career.
We wish you success, and will provide details on the academic opportunities open to you in case you decide to hold on.
Yours faithfully, Karazin University community