Yurii Hamulia
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor
+380 (66) 542-47-23 (telegram)
Dear friends!
We are pleased to invite you to the magical world of biology — a science about life in all its diversity! You can choose the field of study you are interested in — from ecosystems to molecules, from microorganisms to humans.
Modern biology is international projects, new technologies, integration into the information space, a way to address global issues of mankind.
A classical biological education will offer you really wide opportunities for creative development and successful employment!
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Human and Animal Physiology
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health)
History of Ukraine
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
History of Ukraine
Training activity is provided by eight departments:
• Department of Biochemistry;
• Department of Genetics and Cytology;
• Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology;
• Department of Human and Animal Physiology;
• Department of Botany and Plant Ecology;
• Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology;
• Department of Mycology and Phytoimmunology;
• Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
Also, the School of Biology includes the Biological Station, CWU Herbarium.
At the School, over 80 lecturers and instructors, including 17 doctors of sciences, full professors and 43 PhDs, associate professors are engaged in scientific research and training of specialists.
The School’s research groups are headed by the leading scientists:
• Anatolii Bozhkov — Doctor of Biology, Full Professor;
• Valerii Bondarenko — Doctor of Biology, Full Professor, winner of A. V. Palladin Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
• Tetiana Dohadina — Doctor of Biology, Full Professor;
• Vasyl Zhmurko — Doctor of Biology, Full Professor;
• Yevhen Perskyi — Doctor of Biology, Full Professor;
• Viktor Tokarskyi — Doctor of Biology, Full Professor;
• Serhii Shamrai — PhD in Biology, Associate Professor.
An important role in the professional training of Bachelors in Biology belongs to natural and scientific disciplines: inorganic, analytical, organic, and bioorganic chemistry, physics, higher mathematics, computer science, etc. The professionally-oriented curriculum includes botany, zoology, ecology, cytology, histology, anatomy, genetics, breeding, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, virology, immunology, biophysics, biotechnology, molecular biology, evolution theory, and many others.
An essential component of the general biological education is practice at training and research bases. The purpose of the practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge acquired during in-class training and independent work, to improve practical skills and abilities. After the 1st and 2nd years of study, students undergo field practice at the Biological Station. During the practice, students carry out individual research and participate in environmental events. At the end of the 3rd year, students defend their speciality course paper and undergo industrial practice in the leading research institutes, nature reserves, botanical gardens of Ukraine.
In the 4th year, the relevant departments provide teaching special courses and conducting special training workshops, as well as completing Bachelor’s degree qualification works.
The School offers the following postgraduate courses: Biochemistry (biological sciences), Botany, Cytology, Cell Biology, Histology, Human and Animal Physiology, Genetics, Biotechnology.
The School of Biology publishes the University Bulletin, series Biology.
The Scientific Society of Postgraduate, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists is successfully functioning at the School of Biology. Starting from the first years of study, students have the opportunity to engage in research work, participate in scientific conferences and publish their scientific works.
The School is conducting both fundamental and applied research on the subject of state and contractual projects. Annually, professional journals, including internationally recognized ones, publish more than 100 articles based on the results of research work involving the faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate students of the School of Biology.
The School of Biology graduates work in biological, medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, agricultural, environmental, and nutritional organizations, they teach biological disciplines at secondary and higher educational institutions.
The best graduates pursue postgraduate studies in Ukraine and abroad.
The School of Biology is engaged in fruitful cooperation with a number of foreign scientific centers and participates in several international educational and research projects.
Today, the School maintains business contacts with 78 foreign institutions in Austria, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Israel, India, Italy, Canada, China, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, the USA, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, and other countries.
The faculty members and students actively participate in individual international grant programs, in the work of international scientific societies. The most talented students have the opportunity to study abroad.