Svitlana Virotchenko
Associate Professor, PhD in Philology/Linguistics
Acting Dean
+380 (67) 379-78-87
Dear Friends!
Knowledge of foreign languages in today’s world is believed to be an integral part of the image of high achiever. Mastery of foreign languages broadens your worldview, opens up almost limitless possibilities in communication and establishment of professional relations, career development, enables you to understand cultures and customs of other nations.
The School of Foreign Languages provides high quality training in foreign philology and translation. The School teaches English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
The School of Foreign Languages is waiting for you! The School is happy to welcome you!
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Translation (Spanish and English Languages)
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
History of Ukraine
Translation (Chinese and English Languages)
History of Ukraine
German Language, Literature and Translation and English Language
History of Ukraine
French Language, Literature and Translation and English Language
History of Ukraine
Foreign Language
English Language, Literature and Translation and Second Foreign Language
History of Ukraine
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Translation (Spanish and English Languages)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Translation (Chinese and English Languages)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
German Language, Literature and Translation and English Language
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
French Language, Literature and Translation and English Language
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
English Language, Literature and Translation and Second Foreign Language
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
The School of Foreign Languages comprises nine departments:
• Department of English Philology;
• Department of German Philology and Translation;
• Department of Romance Philology and Translation;
• Department of English Translation Theory and Practice;
• Department of Oriental Languages and Intercultural Communication
• Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods and Practice;
• Department of English Language;
• Department of German and French Languages;
• Department of Business Foreign Language and Translation.
The School has two computer labs, a simultaneous translation laboratory, a methodological center. The School’s own Publishing Center provides the academic process with the necessary teaching aids. The School has also created the Linguistic Center that provides additional educational services on a commercial basis.
Training at the School is ensured by 200 instructors, including two academicians of the Higher Education Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, one academician of the Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 13 full professors, 16 doctors of sciences, 68 associate professors, 74 PhDs. They are also engaged in scientific research.
The School teaches English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. Besides foreign languages the School’s students master fundamental and career-oriented disciplines. They are Introduction to Linguistics, History of Foreign Literature, Latin, Lexicology (Comparative), Theoretical and Comparative Grammar, Stylistics (Comparative), Culture-Oriented Linguistics, Translation Theory and Practice, Information Science, Introduction to Literature Studies, Education Science, Foreign Language Teaching Methods, Speech Culture, etc. The School also teaches special courses in problems of translation and foreign philology.
Academic activities are organized using modern multimedia applications and technical aids: students of the School have at their disposal two computer labs, a simultaneous translation laboratory, a methodological center, etc.
The School has established scientific schools, within the framework of which one can distinguish the main areas of linguistics and linguodidactics reflecting the general tendencies in development of a number of sciences. Among them there are both relatively new areas (cognitive-discursive) and those that have long traditions (linguostylistics, translation studies, education and methods of teaching foreign languages).
The School of Foreign Languages of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University has the Thesis Committee Д 64.051.27 with the right to accept theses for defense and to conduct defense of a doctoral (PhD’s) thesis in Philology (speciality: 10.02.04 “German Languages”) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1279 as of November 6, 2014).
The School organizes a number of conferences recognized both in Ukraine and abroad, particularly:
• International Science Conference “Karazin Readings: Person. Language. Communication”;
• International Science Forum “Modern Anglistics and Romance Studies”;
• All-Ukrainian Science Conference “Actual Problems of Translation Studies and Translation Teaching Methods”;
• International Science Conference “Cognitive-Pragmatic Studies of Languages of Professional Communication”;
• Science Conference of Germanists “Germanic Studies of the XXI Century: Cognitive, Socio- and Pragmalinguistics”;
• International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Methodological, Pscyhological and Pedagogical Problems of Teaching a Foreign Language at the Present Stage”;
• International Science Conference “Modern Approaches to Teaching a Foreign Language: Ways of Integrating Secondary and Higher Schools”;
• Interuniversity Workshop Studies “New Approaches to Learning a Foreign Language”;
• International Student Science Conference “Foreign Philology. Search for the Young” and others.
The School’s editions are:
• V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin. Series: Philology. Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages
• International compendium of scientific works “Cognition. Communication. Discourse” (on the list of professional editions approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine).
• 5 compendia of student scientific works annually.
• Compendia of conference materials.
• Educational (teaching foreign languages both in Ukraine and abroad) and translation activities.
• IT (experts in linguistics, customer support) and copywriting.
• Employment in the field of journalism, publishing activity (editors), management.
• Postgraduate programs in linguistics, translation or literary studies.
• Department of German Philology, Kyiv International University;
• Department of Foreign Languages of the Center for Scientific Research and Teaching of Foreign Languages of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
• Department of Foreign Philology of Melitopol State Pedagogical University;
• Department of English Philology of V. G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University;
• Department of English Philology of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University;
• Department of Foreign Languages of Kharkiv University of Economics and Law;
• Department of Romance-Germanic Languages of Kherson State University;
• Department of English Philology of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University;
• Department of Germanic General and Comparative Linguistics of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University;
• Department of Foreign Languages No. 1 of the National University “Yaroslav Mudryi Kharkiv National Law University”;
• Department of Foreign Philology of Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law;
• Department of Translation of Sumy State University;
• Department of Foreign Languages of Belgorod University;
• Department of Translation of Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University;
• Department U21 of Intercultural Communications and Foreign Languages of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.
International scholarly cooperation at the School of Foreign Languages is also diverse: participation in collective grants under the program “Encouraging Development of Germanic Studies in Central and Eastern European Countries”, individual grants from R. Bosch and Fulbright Foundations, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and French Government Foundation. The School has entered into cooperation agreements with foreign universities-partners (Belgorod State University (Russia), Transnistria State University (Moldova), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany).