Vitalii Serehin
Doctor of Law, Professor
Acting Dean
+380 (63) 589-29-81 (telegram, viber)
Dear friends!
We invite you to receive a higher legal education at the School of Law of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University!
The profession of a lawyer is one of the most honorable in the modern world. This profession requires knowledge, skills, courage, willpower. Remember that the profession of a lawyer is no less responsible than the profession of a doctor and is closely intertwined with the idea of justice. The decision on any legal case should be deeply balanced, thoroughly considered. And the main precondition for making such decisions is a high-quality training of a lawyer.
If you choose Law as your field of study, you will have the opportunity to realize your own potential. Studying at our University’s School of Law, you will receive a high-quality, prestigious education that will enable you to become not only a highly paid specialist but also to take leading positions in public life.
Назва програми
Форма навчання
History of Ukraine
International Law
History of Ukraine
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
International Law
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of students is ensured by five departments:
- Department of State and Legal Disciplines;
- Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines;
- Department of Criminal and Legal Disciplines;
- Department of Constitutional, Municipal and International Law;
- Department of International and European Law.
Training of specialists and research work of the School are provided by more than 70 highly-qualified faculty members, including 21 doctors of science, 15 of them are full professors, 45 PhDs, 36 of them are associate professors, four Merited Lawyers of Ukraine.
The School of Law trains specialists in Law and International Law. The School’s undergraduate and graduate students can specialize in one of the three fields: state law, civil law, criminal law. Since 2015, the School has trained specialists in alternative dispute resolution.
An important element in the preparation of lawyers is educational and on-the-job training undertaken in courts, law enforcement agencies, prosecutor’s offices, institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, legal departments and departments of state and local self-government, legal services of enterprises, institutions and organizations.
The School is involved in an international academic cooperation contributing to a proper training of specialists. The School is implementing the international research and educational projects TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, and others, under which training and internships are conducted, open lectures by well-known lawyers from Europe and North America leading universities are held.
The School students have an opportunity to take part in international research and practice events.
The School faculty members are intensively developing the content of legal disciplines taught in higher educational institutions. They are creating a new generation of textbooks and study guides in accordance with the current requirements.
The School of Law graduates majoring in Law can work in executive and judicial agencies, local self-government, public organizations, at enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership in the following positions: legal adviser, civil servant, judge assistant, judge, investigator assistant, investigator, specialist of civil registry department, courtroom secretary, lawyer assistant, lawyer, notary assistant, notary, office work organizer, state notary assistant, state notary, specialist in investigative work, police inspector, prosecutor assistant, deputy prosecutor, prosecutor, law instructors, instructor of legal disciplines, etc.
International Law graduates can work as experts or at a higher position in foreign relations offices, international interstate and non-state organizations, executive and judicial agencies; local self-government; public organizations at the following positions: chief legal officer, head of legal department, consulting services manager, instructor of a higher educational institution, legal adviser, researcher and consultant (international law), attorney, research adviser (law), international lawyer, expert, notary, adviser, legal adviser.
- National University «Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy of Ukraine».
- Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
- V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- M. S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Legal Expertise.
The School cooperates with the Leavitt Institute for International Development (USA) within the project “Building Ukrainian Independence and Lasting Democracy”.
The School faculty members undergo internships in foreign universities under the academic exchange programs — Erasmus Mundus and Fulbright.
At the stage of preliminary agreements, the School has established connections with law schools of the following foreign universities:
- Vytautas Magnus Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania);
- University of Extremadura (Spain);
- University of Bialystok (Poland);
- Belarusian State University (Republic of Belarus);
- Mogilev State University (Republic of Belarus);
- Moscow Regional Humanitarian Institute (Russian Federation).