Irina V. Garyachevskaya
PhD (Technology)
+380 (95) 137-28-24
(telegram, viber)
Dear friends, our future first-year students!
Welcome to the Education and Research Institute of Computer Physics and Energy. Its main feature is simultaneous training in three required specialities — physicist researcher, programmer and specialist in mathematical modeling of processes in physics and energetics. You will not find such a combination of specializations in any educational institution of Ukraine.
The School has introduced an adapted Bologna system for younger students. Qualified instructors — «tutors» help students get acquainted with the world of higher education, provide advice. By the end of the third year of study, you will be able to choose the best field for you — work in the field of alternative energy sources, the development of modern image processing methods, the work of a programmer or a specialist in management systems of complex energy sectors. Future physicists can pursue their postgraduate studies at any academic research institute in Kharkiv or at the University’s post graduate school.
Every graduate can rely on us for employment support and assistance in entering a postgraduate study program of a higher educational institution in America or Europe.
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Energy Systems Modelling and Energy Efficiency
History of Ukraine
Computer Physics
History of Ukraine
Applied Physics of Energy Systems
History of Ukraine
The School consists of four departments:
- Department of Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics,
- Department of Information Technologies in Physical Energy Systems,
- Department of Physics of Alternative Energy Technologies and Ecology,
- Department of Occupational Health and Life Safety.
Scientific research and training of specialists are ensured by an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, eleven doctors of sciences, full professors and nine PhDs, associate professors.
The scientific groups of the School are headed by the leading researchers:
- Yurii Matsevityi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- Tetiana Sheiko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor;
- Viktor Tkachenko, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Mykola Adamenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
The School trains specialists in the field of traditional and innovative technologies for generating, transforming and using energy.
Senior students are taught general and special disciplines by leading researchers working in the field of modern fundamental and applied science. The special courses content is constantly updated according to the needs of potential employers — representatives of enterprises and research institutions.
The results of fundamental research conducted by the School faculty members and students are regularly published in the following leading national and international journals: International Journal of Energy Research, Physical Review Letters, and Physical Review.
The faculty’s applied research are widely used in practice.
The School graduates are highly-qualified specialists in physical, physico-chemical, and mathematical principles of modeling processes of energy transformation and complex energy systems, as well as in the field of computer control of energy complexes and science-intensive high-tech technological equipment.
The activities of the School graduates are related to studying and using both traditional sources of thermal energy and hydroenergy, and solar, wind, hydrogen, geothermal, and other types of renewable energy, as well as atomic and thermonuclear energy.
The graduates can work in leading scientific, research and production institutions, private enterprises, as well as in energy generating and power distribution companies of Ukraine. They are also entitled to teach in higher education institutions, lyceums and colleges.
- “Institute for Work and Health (IAG)” of the German Union of Social Accident Insurance (Dresden, Germany).
- University College of Applied Safety Studies (Zagreb, Croatia).
- European Network of Educational Institutions and Occupational Safety and Health Specialists (ENETOSH).
- North Kazakhstan State University (Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan).
- A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- National Scientific Center «Kharkiv Physical-Technical Institute» of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- LLC Burenergo.
- Zolotoe Sechenie company.
- Ekypazh company.
- NIX Solutions company.