Nadiya P. Kreydun
PhD (Psychology), Full Professor
+380 (66) 373-94-09 (telegram, viber)
It is said that happiness is when want, can, and must mean the same.
Happy people study at the School of Psychology: only there one can understand why we behave the way we do and not otherwise, what is an effective studying, how to realize ourselves and to show our personality and individuality.
And only here, you will be learned how to be happy and make others happy.
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History of Ukraine
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Training of students is ensured by four departments:
- Department of General Psychology,
- Department of Applied Psychology,
- Department of Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy,
- Department of Pedagogy.
The School also includes:
- Psychodiagnostics Research Laboratory,
- Research and Development Laboratory,
- Educational and Methodological Studies in Psychology and Pedagogy.
Educational, methodological, research, and training activities are provided by nine full professors, doctors of sciences and 31 associate professors, PhDs.
The School provides its students with all the opportunities for professional development: it offers a postgraduate course, it has its own academic publication. It annually holds a student research conference, carries out grants and research work, has a student research society. The School focuses much attention on a harmonious development of a student’s personality in academic, cultural, sporting fields.
The School has a modern base of information support of the educational process and research activity, which is constantly being improved. The School has established communication lines and Internet connections, created a computer test database. The educational base of the School enables its students to develop and improvе skills and abilities in organizing and conducting socio-psychological, psychotherapeutic, and business trainings to feel confident in the job market.
The School offers a Master’s degree program on psychology (full-time and part-time training), both based on the government order and at the expense of individuals or legal entities. Part-time training is only available on a contractual basis.
The School carries out traditional research on memory psychology. This research field was initiated by P. Zinchenko. The school of memory psychology was developed by the faculty members of the Department of Psychology and P. Zinchenko’s students — S. Bocharova, L. Zhitnykova, V. Liaudis, P. Nevelskyi, LM, V. Lyudys, P. Nevelsky, V. Riepkin, H. Riepkina, H. Sereda, and others. They implemented not only a wide scope of theoretical studies but also applied ones, especially in the field of education and engineering psychology.
Within this field, a number of research works has been carried out, PhD and DSc theses have been defended. The School of Psychology currently continues to study the key issues of the school of memory psychology, primarily, those processes that occur both in individuals and in society as a whole (issues of organizing a person’s individual experience, a collective and historical ones, and so on).
Along with this, a field of development psychology was established. It studies the conditions, sources, regularities, and mechanisms of mental development throughout a human life. The continuous line of development can be traced in the context of various social innovations, first of all — in educational ones. It studies the development within the major types of activity of children, schoolers, adolescents, youth, and students (V. Riepkin, H. Sereda, O. Dusavytskyi, etc.). Fundamental studies carried out in this field were widely used in the 1990s in building a system of developmental education in Ukraine, Russia, and other countries.
Along with the traditional fundamental fields of research, the School is actively developing applied areas, including political, medical, criminal, penitentiary, ethnic, and ecological psychology.
The traditional field for the Department of Pedagogy is the one related to the fundamental issues of the teleology of pedagogy, the personal culture of a teacher and a student, and pedagogical skills.
The School publishes the professional periodical Kharkiv National University Bulletin on psychology, and "The Academic Notes" of the Department of Pedagogy.
The main research areas are: psychological mechanisms and regularities patterns of memory functioning, psychology of development and developmental education, fundamental issues of teleology of pedagogy, personal culture of a teacher and a student, and pedagogical skills. The School develops the areas of political, medical, criminal, engineering, ethnic, environmental psychology and business psychology. Students working in groups of student’s scientific society of the School also participate in research work.
The School graduates are in demand for psychological services. Today, psychology covers almost all spheres of human life. Psychological knowledge is of help in economics, politics, education, production, social and personal spheres.
The graduates are engaged in research, advisory, teaching activities, work in various professional fields, in particular:
• educational and scientific institutions,
• recruiting agencies (recruitment agencies, employment centers, career centers),
• psychological counseling services,
• law enforcement agencies,
• in business (management, personnel management, marketing, advertising, PR, etc.),
• social organizations.
- G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine.
- Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine.
The School of Psychology develops international relations, in particular, cooperating with the world-class higher educational institutions; sending lecturers, faculty members, graduate students abroad to participate in research conferences, in scientific research and internships, language courses, receiving foreign specialists at the University. Faculty members and staff, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students take part in contests for scholarships or grants from various international organizations and foundations.
One of the main and priority areas of the School’s international activity is conducting joint research by scholars and university researchers. The School carries out the most fruitful cooperation with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia). It maintains academic and methodological cooperation, information exchange on education, exchange of experience among faculty members and students with Gomel State University (Belarus).