Sergiy M. Shulga
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor
+380 (67) 983-30-77 (telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
+380 (66) 884-99-31 (telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
As a student of the School of Radiophysics, you will be able to obtain a Master’s degree in Radiophysics, Biophysics or Biomedical Electronics.
The School’s graduates work in research and commercial establishments of Ukraine and abroad.
Welcome to our School because radiophysics is the basis of scientific and technological progress.
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Форма навчання
Physical and Biomedical Electronics
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Radiophysics, Biophysics and Computer Systems
History of Ukraine
Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems
History of Ukraine
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Radiophysics and Electronics
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Physical and Biomedical Electronics
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of specialists is provided by seven radiophysical and biophysical departments:
- Department of Theoretical Radiophysics;
- Department of Quantum Radiophysics;
- Department of Applied Electrodynamics;
- Department of Physics of Ultrahigh Frequencies;
- Department of Space Radiophysics;
- Department of Molecular and Medical Biophysics;
- Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics and Complex Information Technologies.
The School also includes:
- Quantum Biology and Quantum Medicine Research Laboratory;
- Laboratory of Radio and Optical Holography;
- Radiophysics Observatory.
The School’s faculty includes almost 100 lecturers, instructors, and researchers, 17 of whom are laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology. Among 40 full-time faculty members are 20 full professors, doctors of science, 20 associate professors, PhDs.
The scientific groups of the School are headed by the leading scientists:
- Mykola Gorobets, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics;
- Anatolii Zviahintsev, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor;
- Viktor Katrych, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Mykola Kolchyhin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine;
- Viacheslav Maslov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Vasyl Svich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine;
- Oleh Tyrnov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Laureate of S. Ya. Braude Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The School offers a Bachelor’s degree program in applied physics and electronics (four years of study), a Specialist’s degree in radiophysics and electronics, physical and biomedical electronics, and a Master’s degree program in radiophysics and electronics in the following fields: theoretical radiophysics; quantum radiophysics; radiophysical measurements; physical and biomedical electronics and complex information technologies; ultrahigh-frequency physics; space radiophysics; radio astronomy; antennas and radio wave propagation. The School also offers Specialist’s and Master’s programs in biological physics in the fields of molecular biophysics and applied biophysics.
The School has the Thesis Committee on Astrophysics, Radio Astronomy, Physics of Devices, Elements and Systems, Radio Physics, Physics and Mathematics, Biophysics.
The School publishes the University Bulletin, series Radiophysics and Electronics, the Biophysical Bulletin.
It holds five regular international professional conferences.
Working together, the School’s researchers have developed many scientific devices: a measuring equipment in millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength range, gas-discharge sub-millimeter lasers, interferometers for high-temperature plasma diagnostics in thermonuclear plants based on gas discharge and optically pumped sub-millimeter lasers, ponderomotor and gradient meters of laser radiation power and energy, high-sensitive magnetodiode structures, devices of non-destructive control of gas filling of pumping lamps, a generator of diffraction radiation with unique spectral characteristics, a plant for radiospectroscopic research of biological systems, a system for non-invasive hemodynamics and blood parameters control, etc.
Masters in Biophysics, Radiophysics and Biomedical Electronics can hold the following positions:
- researchers and engineers of research laboratories;
- staff members of diagnostic laboratories of medical institutions;
- faculty members of higher educational establishments;
- specialists in maintenance of modern medical complexes and systems (tomographs, cybernetic knives, automatic surgical systems, hospital systems, etc.);
- managers of companies specializing in electronics and communications;
- programmers;
- system operators of computer networks, etc.
- in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- Institute of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.