Igor O. Girka
Doctor of Scienсe (Physics and Mathematics), Full Professor
+380 (50) 520-38-79
(telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
+380 (95) 209-08-02
(telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
A high quality of physical education at the University School of Physics and Technology is ensured by the highly-qualified faculty, including six members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The School provides its educational process with modern complex physical equipment of Kharkiv academic institutes, in particular, of the National Science Center “Kharkiv Physical-Technical Institute”.
The quality of education at the School of Physics and Technology is confirmed by annual victories of our students at the All-Ukrainian student olympiads in physics, All-Ukrainian and International Student Physics Tournaments, one hundred percent employment of the School graduates in the leading research centers and universities of Ukraine and around the world.
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Biomedical Nanotechnologies
History of Ukraine
Applied Physics
History of Ukraine
Training of specialists is carried out by four departments:
- A. I. Akhiezer Department of Physics of Nucleus and High Energy Physics;
- Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Nanotechnologies;
- Department of Materials for Reactor Building and Physical Technologies;
- Department of Applied Physics and Plasma Physics.
The School also has the Fundamental Research Lab of Ionic Processes.
The faculty of the School consists of more than 60 high-qualified instructors, including six academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 24 full professors, 29 PhDs, associate professors.
The best students receive honorary A. I. Akhiezer, A. K. Walter, K. D. Sinelnikov scholarships.
The students of the School annually participate in and win prizes of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads and Tournaments in Physics. Thus, in the last ten years, the School of Physics and Technology students became eleven-time prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in Physics and twelve-time top three leaders of the All-Ukrainian Student Physics Tournaments held since 2003. In 2011, the School’s team was awarded the I place at the Third International Student Physics Tournament held at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Dolgoprudny, Russia). Over the past five years, students of the School have won eleven times at the All-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers in physics; and won twice in the competitions of student research papers of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Students take part in summer schools held at the leading research centers: the Max Planck Institute (Germany), the Higher School (Darmstadt, Germany), the Free University of Brussels, etc.
The School holds a general physical seminar with the participation of leading national and international specialists, where everyone interested has an opportunity to discuss on the pressing issues of modern physics.
The School offers a postgraduate program. There works the Thesis Committee on Physics of Plasma, Nuclear Physics, Physics of Elementary Particles and High Energies.
The School’s University Bulletin, series Nuclei, Particles, Fields, publishes scientific papers on elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, plasma physics and plasma technology, solid state physics and radiation physics.
In 2015, the School students won at five International Olympiads, tournaments, competitions of student research papers in physics.
The School graduates can work in the leading scientific, research and production centers of Ukraine, as well as in firms and organizations of all forms of ownership.
Graduates also have the opportunity to pursue their Master’s and postgraduate studies, in particular, at the best universities of the USA, Germany, Canada, Japan, and other countries. Among the graduates of the Master’s degree program in 2016, more than 40% received double diplomas: Karazin University diploma and that of one of the best universities of France, Finland, the USA, Germany, Canada, and other countries.