Ruslan V. Vovk
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Full Professor
+380 (50) 515-27-70 (telegram)
Dear friend! We congratulate you on obtaining secondary education and invite you to enter the School of Physics. Due to the combination of classic and modern educational technologies, focus on the personality, students can successfully acquire abilities and skills of highly-qualified professionals, experts of their job. Our graduates successfully work in different fields of modern physics, including physics of biomaterials and medical material science, nanophysics, astrophysics and astronomy, and more. The diploma about the best physical and mathematical education is not the end result, but, on the contrary, is the beginning of a great path, full of decent work, achievements at the modern level of world science, interesting events, trips, meetings. This is a unique opportunity for further self-improvement and self-realization.
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Форма навчання
History of Ukraine
History of Ukraine
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Форма навчання
Physics (educational and scientific program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Physics (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Astronomy and Space Informatics (educational and scientific program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Astronomy and Space Informatics (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Physics and Astronomy
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of students is ensured by nine departments:
- Department of Astronomy and Space Informatics;
- Department of Higher Mathematics;
- Department of Experimental Physics;
- Department of General Physics;
- Academician I. M. Lifshitz Department of Theoretical Physics;
- Department of Crystal Physics;
- Department of Low Temperature Physics;
- Department of Solid State Physics;
- Department of Physical Optics.
In cooperation with the Institute of Scintillation Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the School established the training and research center "Functional Materials", which participates in the implementation of the State Program "Science in Universities".
The School also includes:
- research and methodological laboratories,
- unique helium liquefaction station,
- machine workshops.
Professional training of students is ensured by 86 instructors, including two full members and two corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in science and technology, more than 26 doctors of sciences, full professors, and more than 40 PhD, associate professors.
The School scientific groups are headed by the leading scientists:
- Mykola Holunov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Oleksandr Anders, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology;
- Ruslan Vovk, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Borys Grynev, Doctor of Technology, Full Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- Dmytrii Chibisov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor;
- Zoltan Ziman, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Volodymyr Poida, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Heorhii Rashba, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor;
- Yurii Shkuratov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine and M. P. Barabashov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The curriculum of student professional activity includes, in particular, the courses of general physics, theoretical physics, higher mathematics, informatics and programming, computer modeling, using computer technologies in scientific research, special courses of the departments, etc.
The bases for in-the-job and pre-diploma training are B. I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Research Center “Kharkiv Physical-Technical Institute” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Scientific and Technological Complex “the Institute of Single Crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Research Institute of Astronomy of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
The best students receive a Presidential scholarship, scholarships of charitable foundations, in particular, the fund of Yu. Sapronov, I. Ye. Tarapov’s Fund, and also academician I. M. Lifshitz and academician M. P. Barabashov scholarships. Within the cooperation with the universities of Duisburg-Essen and Bochum (Germany), the School students have the opportunity to receive a scholarship from Leonhard Euler Foundation (DAAD German Academic Exchange Service), as well as scholarships from other international funds.
The School graduates receive a qualification of a researcher (physics, astronomy), an instructor at universities and higher educational institutions. Optionally, the School of Physics students have the opportunity to obtain an additional qualification of a physics and mathematics teacher.
The School has its Thesis Committee.
The School publishes the University Bulletin, series Physics.
The School established and has actively developed several world-famous scientific schools, namely: the schools of theoretical physics, solid state physics, low-temperature physics, magnetism, physics of real crystals, physical optics, physics of the solar system. The founders of the scientific school of theoretical physics at Kharkiv University were prominent researchers — the Laureate of the Nobel Prize and Lenin Prize, L. Landau and the Laureate of the Lenin Prize, I. Lifshitz.
Today, the School researchers focus their attention on the following scientific areas: quantum field theory, theory of gravity, condensed matter theory, disordered systems, nonlinear physics, mesoscopy, spintronics, magnonics, modern issues of superconductivity and high-temperature superconductivity, thermophysical and mechanical properties of metals and structural materials at low temperatures for the needs of new technology, low-magnitude magnetic and normal nanosystems, in particular carbon and semiconductor nanotubes — promising materials of modern nanotechnologies, magnetism of ultra small particles and multilayer thin films, properties of frustrated magnetic and electrical systems, laser physics, optical effects in nanosized metal films, mechanisms of mass transfer in defective crystals, mechanical, diffusion, and relaxation properties of solids bodies with different defect structures.
The School’s practical developments of the recent time include the method of measuring the refractive index of dielectrics using photoinduced periodic structures, the method of implantation of silver nanoparticles in optical quartz glass under the action of the infrared beam of a CO2 laser, new modern technologies (cryochemical, radiation and thermal) for the production of finely dispersed ferrite powders designed for high-density magnetic recording, the method of controlled vacuum thermal processing of steel products, etc.
The developments in the field of physics of biomaterials and medical material science have become the basis for creating unique implantation calcium and phosphate nanomaterials, the composition, morphology and structure of which are close to the solid tissue mineral component of the vertebrates. Postsurgical studies have shown that the created biomaterials are highly effective artificial bone substitutes and are suitable for wide clinical use.
The development of scientific research at the School led to the opening of a new speciality Condensed Matter Physics and specializations Space Informatics, Magnetism of Nanosized Systems, Physical Processes in Biomaterials, Physics of Nanocrystals and Nanostructures.
The School has received grants for scientific work and cooperation with the Democritus Research Center (Athens, Greece), Brighton University, University of Exeter (Great Britain), Friedrich Schiller University (Yen, Germany), grant 823G / 22-13 Armory Research Laboratory (USA). The School students also undergo a scientific internship at CeNIDE (Center for Nanoengineering and Biomaterials) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), the Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Wrocław), the Institute of Physics of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (Košice, Slovakia).
After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, some students of the School of Physics continue their professional training under the Master’s degree program in the United States of America, Germany, and Sweden, study under a financial mathematics program (Ulm, Germany).
Having obtained Master’s degree, the School of Physics graduates may take a postgraduate course followed by doctoral studies in Solid State Physics, Magnetism, Optics, Laser Physics, Theoretical Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Superconductivity, Heliophysics and Physics of the Solar System, Astrophysics and Radio Astronomy, Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, universities and research institutions of Poland, Slovakia, Israel, Germany, France, Portugal, Sweden, Britain, Canada, the United States, and others.
They have the opportunity to work as specialists at the positions of researchers at research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as at the positions of instructors at higher educational institutions. The program of the School of Physics on cooperation of Ukraine’s higher educational institutions with employers (submitted to the competition Where to Study to Find a Job, in 2013, the Listing of Higher School Programs: Most Promising Fields and Professions) was included into the list of the best educational programs of Ukraine’s universities.
Among the foreign partners of the School are, in particular:
- Institute of Physics of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (Košice, Slovakia);
- High Pressure Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
- Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Wrocław);
- Goethe University Institute of Physics (Frankfurt, Germany);
- Friedrich Schiller Institute of Solid State Physics (Yen, Germany);
- Universities of Duisburg-Essen, Bochum and Münster (Germany);
- University of Exeter (England);
- Laboratory of Instrumentation for Astrophysical Research (Meudon, France);
- Army Research Laboratory (USA);
- US Space Agency (NASA), Europe (ESA).