Oleg M. Kalugin
PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor
+380 (97) 985-17-99
+380 (66) 326-74-15 (only telegram)
Dear young friends — future chemists!
We are sincerely happy that you are really interested in chemistry, one of the oldest and most interesting sciences! Modern chemistry is, first of all, a profound knowledge about the structure of substances and their properties. Thanks to the practical use of this knowledge, chemistry has given mankind new structural and building materials, fabrics for modern clothing, effective medicines, paints, mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, fuel for engines, detergents, miniature chemical current sources, and many other extremely useful things indispensable for modern humans.
The School of Chemistry of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University will give you a unique opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge in chemistry and its practical application for the benefit of mankind. The basis of our uniqueness is a high level of the faculty members, advanced achievements in science, wide implementation of scientific achievements in the educational process, the use of innovative teaching methods, cooperation with research institutes and universities in Ukraine, America, and Europe, a high level of material and technical base. Thanks to these components, you will receive a really high-quality education of world class and will master the profession of the XXI century — the profession of a chemist!
Young friends, we sincerely wish you to become students of our glorious University!
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Форма навчання
History of Ukraine
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Pharmaceutical Chemistry (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Chemistry (educational and scientific program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Chemistry (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of students is ensured by six departments:
- Department of Physical Chemistry;
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry;
- Department of Chemical Metrology;
- Department of Organic Chemistry;
- Department of Chemical Materials Science;
- Department of Applied Chemistry.
The faculty of the School includes almost 50 highly-qualified instructors, among them are 15 full professors, 35 associate professors.
The School departments are headed by the leading scientists:
- Mykola Mchedlov-Petrosian — Doctor of Chemistry, Full Professor;
- Ivan Viunyk — Doctor of Chemistry, Full Professor;
- Oleh Yurchenko — Doctor of Chemistry, Full Professor;
- Andrii Doroshenko — Doctor of Chemistry, Full Professor;
- Oleksandr Korobov — Doctor of Chemistry, Full Professor;
- Valentyn Chebanov — Doctor of Chemistry, Full Professor;
The School offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in 102 Chemistry within the School’s specializations: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metrology, Materials Design and Chemical Informatics, Chemical Control of Environment, Physical Chemistry of Non-Aqueous Solutions and Nanodisperse Systems, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Computer Chemistry and Molecular Design.
On September 1, 2015, the School established the new Master’s degree program Ecogeochemistry of Oil and Gas,
together with the School of Ecology, the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism and with the assistance of Shell Company in Ukraine. According to the agreements with the universities of Nice and Lille (France), senior students have the opportunity to study abroad under the programs of double diplomas.
The School offers postgraduate studies in 102 Chemistry in the fields of Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. There works the Thesis Committee on Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.
The School publishes the University Bulletin, series Chemistry.
The School fruitfully collaborates with the research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular with the STC Institute for Single Crystals.
The School graduates successfully work on their speciality in pharmaceutical companies, state certification and examination bodies, environmental and customs control, chemical enterprises and private firms, continue their research work in scientific laboratories and institutes, teach chemistry in secondary and higher educational institutions, continue their postgraduate studies In the universities of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the USA.
- University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) (France);
- University of Lille (Lille-1) (France);
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA).