Borys Samorodov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of AESU
+380 (50) 500-19-44
(telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
For more than 75 years of existence of the Kharkiv Banking institution, its name has changed, the list and content of educational programs have been modified in accordance with the requirements of development of the country’s banking system and changes in legislation, but one thing has remained unchanged: the high quality of knowledge and the impeccable reputation of the educational institution.
Today, we are happy to be part of Karazin University, one of the oldest and leading universities in Eastern Europe and the world, and we maintain the success achieved by the Institute and its traditionally strong, friendly team, thanks to whose efforts the institution carries out constant and modern improvements to the educational process, introduces the latest, effective teaching technologies, pedagogical innovations and experiments.
The Institute offers full-time and part-time (distance) Bachelor’s and Master’s programs (including for foreign citizens) in the following majors: 071 “Accounting and Taxation”, 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, 073 “Management”, 122 “Computer Science and Information Technology”, 125 “Cybersecurity”.
The material and technical facilities of the Institute, the atmosphere of innovation, high professionalism, responsiveness, humanity and friendliness are the guarantee that today and in the future the Karazin Banking Institute is and will be a constantly developing educational institution known throughout the country.
We invite you to study at the Karazin Banking Institute — rich traditions create a bright future!
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Accounting and Auditing in Business Process Management
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Digital management in business
History of Ukraine
Cybersecurity in Financial Technologies
History of Ukraine
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies in Business
History of Ukraine
Banking and Financial Consulting
History of Ukraine
The Education and Research Institute “Karazin Banking Institute” was founded in 2020 on the basis of Kharkiv Education and Research Institute “University of Banking”, which was created in 1944 and has come a long way from the Accounting and Credit College of the State Bank to a higher education institution.
The Karazin Banking Institute currently offers full-time and part-time (distance) Bachelor’s and Master’s programs (including for foreign citizens) in the following majors:
- Accounting and Taxation
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Management
- Computer Sciences
- Cybersecurity
The Institute includes:
- Department of Banking Business and Financial Technologies;
- Department of Accounting and Taxation;
- Department of Management, Business and Professional Communications;
- Department of Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling.
The educational process innovativeness is ensured through the use of modern pedagogical technologies, a fully functioning distance learning system on the MOODLE platform.
In accordance with employers’ requirements, thorough and continuous training is carried out: computer, foreign languages for professional purposes, practice.
The Institute has a training bank, which is properly equipped with the use of real software systems. It allows students to use interactive forms of learning and bring the educational process as close as possible to future professional activities.
In 2018, with the support of the Kharkiv Banking Union, technical assistance of the partner banks PJSC “MEGABANK”, PJSC CB “PRIVATVANK”, JSCB “INDUSTRIALBANK”, JSC “UKRSIBBANK”, the Training Complex “FinTech” was created at the Institute. It serves as a base not only for practical training of the Institute’s students, but also for financial literacy activities for different segments of Kharkiv region population, with the participation of employees of banking institutions and leading instructors and researchers of Kharkiv higher education institutions.
The Karazin Banking Institute is a member of the Kharkiv Banking Union. It participates in joint projects on topical issues of functioning and development of the financial and credit system of Ukraine. Top specialists and heads of banking institutions are widely involved in the educational process, the most talented students of the Institute are encouraged by named scholarships of banks. In 2016, the Director of the Institute, Borys Samorodov, was elected Vice President of the Kharkiv Banking Union.
The applied nature of training at the Institute contributes to competitive advantages of graduates, facilitates a rapid adaptation of young professionals in the real conditions of professional activity, increases the demand in the labor market. The Institute is proud of 100% employment of its graduates.
Within the framework of international cooperation, the educational institution offers unique opportunities for student exchange with foreign higher education institutions; internships of faculty members and students abroad; participation in international research and educational projects and grants; internships in financial and credit institutions of Germany and Poland; a double degree program with recognized European universities.
The Institute has modern and well-equipped facilities (multimedia classrooms, computer labs, a modernized library, a sports complex, its own dormitory next to the educational and laboratory building, a canteen).
- Department of Banking Business and Financial Technologies;
- Department of Accounting and Taxation;
- Department of Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling;
- Department of Management, Business and Professional Communications.
In accordance with employers’ requirements, thorough and continuous training is carried out: computer, foreign languages for professional purposes, practice. The Institute has a training bank, which is properly equipped with real software systems. This enables the usage of interactive forms of learning and brings the educational process as close as possible to future professional activities.
The Institute has modern and well-equipped facilities (multimedia classrooms, computer labs, a modernized library, a sports complex, its own dormitory next to the educational and laboratory building, a canteen).
In 2018, with the support of the Kharkiv Banking Union, technical assistance of the partner banks PJSC “MEGABANK”, PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, JSCB “INDUSTRIALBANK”, JSC “UKRSIBBANK”, the Training Complex “FinTech” was created at the Institute. It serves as a base not only for practical training of the Institute’s students, but also for financial literacy activities for different segments of Kharkiv region population, with the participation of employees of banking institutions and leading instructors and researchers of Kharkiv higher education institutions.
The applied nature of training at the Institute contributes to competitive advantages of graduates, facilitates a rapid adaptation of young professionals in the real conditions of professional activity, increases the demand in the labor market. The Institute is proud of 100% employment of its graduates.
Within the framework of international cooperation, the Institute offers unique opportunities for student exchange with foreign higher education institutions; internships of faculty members and students abroad; participation in international research and educational projects and grants; internships in financial and credit institutions of Germany and Poland; a double degree program with recognized European universities.
● involvement of leading domestic and foreign specialists in the educational process;
● double degree programs of international standard;
● innovations in practical training: wide application of real software in the educational and training complex;
● preparing degree theses at the request of employers with their subsequent defense in the workplace, including in a foreign language;
● studying in English-language educational programs;
● teaching certain basic disciplines in a foreign language;
● fully functioning distance learning system;
● integration of educational and scientific activities, active involvement of students in research;
● real employment assistance for graduates: consistently high employment rate — 100%;
● modern material and technical facilities: multimedia classrooms, computer labs, a modernized library, a sports complex, a comfortable dormitory.
Advantages of graduates: quality competencies ensured by thorough knowledge, which is related to applied professional aspects and confirmed by international and professional certificates (ACCA; 1C; BEC FROM CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH, etc.); ability to think systematically and innovatively, to make effective decisions; professional knowledge of computer and information technology.
The Institute graduates can be employed in public authorities, financial authorities of state, regional and municipal levels, governmental and non-governmental institutions and enterprises, prestigious Ukrainian and foreign companies, audit companies, IT companies, domestic banks and banks with foreign capital, stock exchanges, insurance companies, investment funds, other financial institutions.