Sergey D. Lytovchenko
PhD (Historical Sciences), Associate Professor
+380 (93) 676-40-29 (telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
Dear friends!
If you decide to choose the School of History for your further study, it is surely the right choice. Our School is the oldest in Ukraine, it is the successor of many glorious traditions, its graduates are successful scholars, civil servants, analysts, experts on a wide range of humanitarian issues.
Under modern conditions, knowledge of historical facts, processes of the past and the ability to critically perceive information is the guarantee of harmonious development of an individual and a citizen with European values. Re-thinking historical experience is an urgent need of the Ukrainian society.
Welcome to our School!
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Форма навчання
History and Archeology
History of Ukraine
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Форма навчання
History and Archeology
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
History and Archeology
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training activity is provided by five departments:
• Department of History of Ukraine,
• Department of Ancient and Medieval History,
• Department of Modern and Recent History,
• Department of History of Eastern Europe,
• Department of Historiography, Source Studies and Archaeology.
Also, the School’s subdivisions are:
• German-Slavic Archaeological Expedition,
• Historical Informatics Laboratory,
• Museum of Archaeology,
• Kharkiv University History Museum,
• M. Drynov Center for Bulgarian and Balkan Studies.
Methodological, research, and educational work is provided by 38 highly-qualified specialists, including, 15 doctors of sciences, full professors, 23 PhDs, associate professors. The activity of many faculty members have been awarded with honorary titles and prizes. Almost all the School’s instructors and lecturers are its graduates, which ensures preserving the best University’s traditions.
The research groups of the School are headed by the leading scholars:
• Volodymyr Dukhopelnikov, PhD in History, Full Professor;
• Volodymyr Kalinichenko, Doctor of History, Full Professor, Merited Education Worker of Ukraine;
• Serhii Posokhov, Doctor of History, Full Professor, Merited Education Worker of Ukraine;
• Serhii Sorochan, Doctor of History, Full Professor;
• Mykhailo Stanchev, Doctor of History, Full Professor, Foreign Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Studying at the School of History implies a combination of a broad training in Humanities and an in-depth specialization. Students are offered about 150 training courses, including:
• History of Ukraine and the world from ancient times to the present;
• History of international relations, diplomacy, wars and local conflicts;
• Social, economic and political processes of historical development of Western and Eastern Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, European integration and globalization issues in the 20th — early 21st centuries;
• History of world civilizations and religions, art and culture from antiquity to postmodernity;
• National and world archaeology, field and cameral research, analysis of cultural and antique monuments, numismatics;
• Historiography, “business history”, historical anthropology, intellectual, oral, and “new” cultural history;
• Source study, analysis and critique of various sources of information.
An important element of training history students is archaeological, museum and archival, ethnographic, and educational practices.
The School of History is one of the main centers for preparing academic and educational literature. The School publishes the following periodicals: the University Bulletin, series History, the Starozhitnosti, Kharkiv Historiographical Collection, the Drynov Collection, the Topical Problems of Ukrainian and World History, the Methodological Bulletin.
The annual number of published works of the School’s faculty reaches 100 units.
The School’s students are regular participants of research symposia, conferences, seminars, and roundtables, winners of research works competitions and research in the field of humanities.
The School offers postgraduate studies. There works the Thesis Committee on History of Ukraine and World History.
Employment prospects for graduates.
The School’s graduates work:
• in higher and secondary education, museums and archives;
• in government institutions, public organizations, law enforcement agencies;
• provide consultation to political parties, international and public organizations;
• in regional and all-Ukrainian mass media as journalists, analysts, editors, content managers;
• in tourist companies, galleries, publishing houses, institutions for cultural heritage protection and use.
• Institute of Society of Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University,
• Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
• Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece),
• Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, Poland),
• The Ossolinski National Library (Wroclaw, Poland),
• Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute (Berlin, Germany),
• Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland).
Throughout its existence, the School of History has been in close contacts with academic institutions and colleagues of Ukraine, as well as of Russia, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, and the USA.
The School’s students have many opportunities for academic and study trips to foreign universities (Erasmus Mundus program, bilateral agreements with partner universities, academic conferences, student schools, etc.).