Valentyn T. Lazuryk
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Researcher
+380 (96) 991-16-76 (telegram)
Dear applicants!
You are now facing the most important choice in every person’s life — what to do in your life, what profession to choose, how to turn it into your favorite activity. This might be your first adult decision, but it will determine all your future life — career, material well-being, possibility of self-realization.
You belong to a unique generation because you were born and grew up with a computer. You very well cope with all modern electronic devices, quickly learn to work with them and, deep in your heart, you surely consider your personal gadget the only worthy companion. Well, we know how to make your favorite toy really useful for you!
At the School of Computer Sciences, you will learn to create large software products, to design complex computer networks and systems of artificial intelligence. You will acquire the basics of system analysis and applied cryptology, learn the secrets of modern programming languages and database development. Here you will know how to use information technologies in science-intensive industries and business activities, in computer-based complex economic and social systems.
It has long been known: "Who owns the information, owns the world". We add, “Who masters information technologies is able to change this world”.
Tomorrow you will hear your farewell bell, and the school will become history. Instead, a huge world opens up to you. Take it, it’s yours! Study, program, simulate, modify it. Let everything in it be as you wish! And we will show you how to do it.
Назва програми
Форма навчання
History of Ukraine
Computer Sciences
History of Ukraine
Computer Engineering
History of Ukraine
Automatization and Computer Integrated Technologies
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
History of Ukraine
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Information Management Systems and Technologies (by subject areas)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Information and Communication Systems Security
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Computerized Control Systems and Automatics
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Computer Engineering
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of students is ensured by five departments:
• Department of Electronics and Control Systems;
• Department of System Simulation and Technologies;
• Department of Theoretical and Applied System Engineering;
• Department of Artificial Intelligence and Software;
• Department of Information Systems and Technologies Security.
Scientific research and training of specialists are ensured by 66 faculty members, including 23 doctors of sciences and full professors, 27 PhDs and associate professors.
The scientific groups are headed by the leading scientists:
• Ivan Horbenko — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Laureate of the State Prize;
• Volodymyr Kuklin — Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
• Valentyn Lazuryk — Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
• Yurii Losev — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Merited Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine;
• Viktor Mishchenko — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor;
• Serhii Rassomakhin — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor;
• Mykola Stervoiedov — PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
• Serhii Shmatkov — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor
The School ensures training of specialists at all levels of higher education.
An important role in the professional training of Bachelors in Computer Sciences belongs to professional and practical training: algorithmization and programming, object-oriented programming, computer systems and networks, operating systems, organization of databases and knowledge bases, safety of information systems and networks, parallel systems and computing, web technology and web design, electrical engineering and electronics, computer circuit engineering and computer architecture, system software, computer graphics, and so on. The fundamental training curriculum includes higher mathematics and probability theory, physics, theory of algorithms, decision-making theory, information technologies, and others.
An essential component of the Bachelor’s degree course is practice at leading IT enterprises. The purpose of the practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge acquired during in-class training and independent work, to improve practical skills and abilities. After the 3rd year of study, students undergo an on-the-job training at enterprises, carry out individual research and take part in real IT technology projects.
In the 4th year of study, students undergo their pre-diploma practice preparing a thesis on the development of their own project or product. They also conduct research for further scientific activity.
The relevant departments provide teaching special courses and conducting special training workshops, as well as completing Bachelor’s degree qualification works.
The School offers doctoral and postgraduate courses: 122 Computer Science and Information Technology, 125 Cybersecurity, 151 Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies.
The School has two Thesis Committees:
1) D 64.051.09 in the following fields:
01.05.02 — mathematical simulation and computing methods;
05.13.06 — information technology;
2) D 64.051.29 in the fields:
05.13.05 — computer systems and components;
05.13.21 — information security systems.
The School is conducting fundamental and applied research on the subjects of state and contractual projects. For 15 years of the School’s existence, its researchers have participated in the development of Ukraine’s State Standards on information security and in the implementation of 23 research works.
The School holds the international scientific conference “Computer Simulation in Science-Intensive Technologies”.
There works the Research Society of postgraduate, doctoral students and young scientists. Starting from the first years of study, students can engage in research work, participate in scientific conferences and publish their scientific works.
The School publishes the University Bulletin, series Mathematical Simulation. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems, and the International Electronic Scientific and Theoretical Journal “Computer Science and Cybersecurity”.
The School’s graduates work in international IT companies, leading scientific, design, research and production centers of Ukraine and other countries of the world, as well as in firms and organizations.
The School of Computer Sciences is a member of the Institute of High Technologies of the University, within which educational and scientific complexes have been created in the leading scientific institutions of Ukraine such as the National Science Center "Kharkiv Physical and Technical Institute", the Scientific Physics and Technology Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Space Agency of Ukraine, the CDB Proton, PJSCI IIT, and others. Training of specialists is carried out in a fruitful collaboration with the leading IT companies: TEAM International, NIX Solutions, Global Logic, Sigma Software, DataArt, Qualium Systems, Nika Enterntainment. On the basis of these organizations, students undergo training, on-the-job, and pre-diploma practice.
The School collaborates with leading research institutes in Germany, the USA, Canada, Poland where the best students undergo introduction and diploma training, and graduates — long-term academic internships. The partners of the School are leading IT companies, including TEAM International, Sigma Ukraine, Qualium Systems, NIX Solutions, Gameleft, Data Art, Nika ENTERTAINMENT, W3, GlobalLogic Ukraine, CS LTD, Insoft Ukraine, and others.
Under the international programs of academic mobility, the School’s students have the opportunity of free study (one or two terms) outside Ukraine.
Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students of the School are currently studying at leading universities of France, the Czech Republic, Spain, and China.