Ivan V. Karpenko
Doctor of Letters (Philosophy), Full Professor
+380 (68) 790-16-63
(telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
The School of Philosophy welcomes you to the world of Wisdom accumulated by mankind for many centuries of its history. A wise person never gets into a situation an intelligent person brilliantly goes out of. The School of Philosophy is waiting for you, dear wisdom lovers!
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Visual Art and Management of Cultural Projects
History of Ukraine
Political Technology and Policy Analysis
History of Ukraine
History of Ukraine
History of Ukraine
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Форма навчання
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Global Studies and World Politics
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Political Science
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Students are trained at five departments:
- Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy;
- Department of Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science;
- Department of Ukrainian Studies;
- Department of Valeology;
- Department of Political Science.
The School of Philosophy faculty includes 126 highly-qualified lecturers and instructors. 103 of them have an academic degree: 39 — the degree of doctor of science and 64 — the degree of PhD.
The scientific groups of the School are headed by the leading scholars:
- Ivan Karpenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Full Professor;
- Dmytro Petrenko, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor;
- Oleh Perepelytsia, Doctor of Philosophy, Full Professor;
- Dmytro Chornyi, Doctor of History, Full Professor;
- Oleksandr Fisun, Doctor of Political Sciences, Full Professor;
- Mariia Honcharenko, Doctor of Biology, Full Professor.
The School’s students of different specialities study more than 200 academic disciplines, which provides the opportunity to realize students’ individual research and educational interests and aspirations. Most graduates of the School of Philosophy do not stop cooperating with the School after graduating from the University and receiving higher education.
The School offers postgraduate and doctoral programs in a number of fields. It has the Thesis Committee on Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture, Philosophy of Science, Ukrainian Studies, Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History, History of Philosophy, Theory and History of Political Science, Political Institutes and Processes.
The faculty members of the School departments annually publish more than ten professional bulletins, more than 15 monographs, about 340 articles, organize and hold up to 15 conferences.
The best students have the opportunity to participate in international research conferences, in the University and all-Ukrainian olympiads, to publish the results of their research in professional academic journals.
- Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- Institute of Religious Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- M. S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- School of Philosophy of Taras Shevchenko University Kyiv National University, and other Ukrainian universities.
- Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies;
- University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan;
- Institute of Philosophy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
- University of Leeds (Great Britain);
- Cotsen Institute (Oxford, UK);
- Ruhr University (Germany);
- Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington, DC);
- St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute (Moscow, Russia);
- Academic Center (Bieer-Sheva, Israel);
- European Psychoanalytical Federation;
- V. Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany);
- Fernand Braudel Center (Binghamton, USA);
- University of North London (London, UK).