Valerii Rieznikov
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
+380 (66) 907-99-68 (telegram, viber, WhatsApp)
IER and TB is fashionable, prestigious, up-to-date!
The School provides a quality education with regards to the latest demands of time. The education we offer will enable you to get a prestigious job with career prospects. Welcome to study at the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, be trendy!
Назва програми
Форма навчання
International Relations and Regional Studies
History of Ukraine
International Relations
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
History of Ukraine
International Logistics and Customs
History of Ukraine
International Information and International Communications
History of Ukraine
International Electronic Commerce
History of Ukraine
International Economic Relations
History of Ukraine
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
International Business
History of Ukraine
Hotel and Catering Business
History of Ukraine
Назва програми
Форма навчання
International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
International Information Security
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
International Economic Relations
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
International Business
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
International and European Economic Integration
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Hotel and Catering Business
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
International Economic Relations
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of students is provided by four departments:
- Department of International Economic Relations;
- Department of Travel Business;
- Department of International Law;
- Department of Economic Theory.
The School also includes an organizational information center for tourism business and a laboratory for organization of restaurant services.
The faculty comprises almost 100 highly-qualified specialists, including an academician of the Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 25 doctors of sciences, full professors, over 60 PhDs, associate professors, and ten senior lecturers.
- Nadiia Kazakova — PhD in Geography, Associate Professor;
- Anatolii Parfinenko — PhD in History, Associate Professor;
- Liudmyla Novikova — PhD in Law, Associate Professor;
- Yevhen Vorobiov — Doctor of Economics, Full Professor.
Educational, research, and methodological, work of the School is provided by about 100 highly-qualified instructors, as well as the leading instructors of the School of Economics, the School of Law, the School of Sociology, the School of Philosophy, the School of Foreign Languages, and other University schools, experts of the Regional State Administration, Kharkiv institutions and enterprises.
Instructors’ internships in leading Ukraine’s and world’s higher educational institutions contribute to the high preparation level of specialists at the School. The instructors use modern teaching methods.
The School offers postgraduate and doctoral studies in World Economy and International Economic Relations.
There works the Thesis Committee on World Economy and International Economic Relations.
The School publishes the University Bulletin, series International Relations, Economics, Geography, Tourism.
Every year, the School holds conferences, academic seminars. The faculty members take part in research, innovative projects, etc.
The School’s graduates successfully work in various fields of Economics:
- in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
- at enterprises that actively conduct foreign economic activity,
- in banks and other credit and financial institutions,
- at the leading enterprises of Ukraine’s tourist industry,
- in production and commercial structures,
- in investment, consulting companies,
- in offices and departments of public administrations,
- at customs offices
- in chambers of commerce and industry,
- in higher educational institutions,
- in tax agencies, etc.
The graduates can manage subdivisions of enterprises and organizations, engage in analytical work on international economic activity and tourism, competently hold business negotiations, conclude foreign economic agreements, etc.