Hryhoriy M. Zholtkevych
Doctor of Sciences (Technology), Full Professor
+380 (67) 744-85-25 (telegram, viber)
The prominent German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that every science has as much truth in it as it does mathematics. Most likely, employers use this principle for recruiting: if you need an analyst, hire a mathematician because he/she has been taught to only believe what is proven. Because he/she is able to tell a proof from a verbal prestidigitation. Because he/she has been trained to evaluate whether it is possible to achieve the desired or it is necessary to limit these desires. That is why a high-quality mathematical education is the key to success not only in mathematics, mechanics, and computer sciences but also in financial analysis, insurance, management, and many other fields of human activity.
So what kind of mathematical education is qualitative? The one you get from professional, known in the scientific world mathematicians — representatives of the world-known Kharkiv Mathematical School, professors, associate professors, instructors of Kharkiv University where this school was born and continues its existence for more than a century.
We welcome those who want to obtain a true mathematical education recognized all over the world.
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Theoretical and Applied Computer Science
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
History of Ukraine
Mathematics and Computer Science
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
History of Ukraine
History of Ukraine
Applied Mathematics
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
History of Ukraine
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Pure Mathematics (educational and scientific program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Mathematics and Computer Science
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Mathematics (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Informatics (educational and scientific program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Informatics (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Applied Mathematics (educational and scientific program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Applied Mathematics (educational and professional program)
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Назва програми
Форма навчання
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Computer Sciences
Foreign Language Entrance Exam
Training of students is provided by four departments:
- Department of Higher Mathematics and Information Science;
- Department of Applied Mathematics;
- Department of Theoretical and Applied Information Science;
- Department of Fundamental Information Science.
Scientific research and training of specialists are ensured by 60 instructors, including an academician and two corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 20 DScs and 30 PhDs.
The scientific groups of the School are headed by the leading scientists:
- Viktor Lysytsia, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor;
- Oleksandr Yampolskyi, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor;
- Valerii Korobov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Viacheslav Hordevskyi, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Anatolii Rutkas, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor;
- Ihor Chuieshov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine;
- Nataliia Kizilova, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor;
- Hryhorii Zholtkevych, Doctor of Technology, Full Professor;
- Serhii Favorov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor.
The School provides training in two fields: physical and mathematical sciences (Mathematics, Mechanics) and systematic sciences and cybernetics (Applied Mathematics, Computer Science).
The School’s students obtain a fundamental mathematical education during the first two years of study with further advanced training depending on a chosen major, field and personal interests.
Mathematicians focus on mathematical analysis, differential equations, higher algebra, mathematical physics, geometry and topology, mathematical statistics, functional analysis, theory of functions of real and complex variables, homological algebra.
Mechanics are involved in simulating the movement of liquid, gas and plasma, which is connected with the tasks of modern technology, materials science, ecology, nanotechnology and biotechnology, aerospace and biomedical applications.
They master modern software packages for computer simulation of complex processes. They study biomechanics widely used in medicine, sports, and biomedical engineering.
Applied mathematicians construct models of physical, technical, and financial-economic systems, using modern software to solve numerical simulation problems, computer geometry, system and process control. They learn to create extensions and add-ons for engineering computer graphics systems, office and specialized mathematical packages.
Information scientists study in accordance with the international standard of training specialists Computing Curricula-2005. They master methods of analyzing systems aimed at finding ways to advance their efficiency through the use of modern information technologies. They develop software for local computers, mobile devices, computer networks, including global, and cloud services. They learn to apply methods of mathematical and computer simulation of processes and systems in software engineering, nature study, and technology.
They study system programming and database management systems, mathematical analysis of computer programs, quantum informatics.
They acquire skills in developing architectural solutions for software systems and software projects management.
The School offers postgraduate studies in a number of fields. There work Thesis Committees on Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Topology, Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics and Mathematical Simulation and Computing Methods, Information Technology.
The School publishes the University Bulletin, series Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics and series Mathematical Simulation. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems, which are professional.
The scientists of the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences have significant developments in various fields of mathematics, are the founders of many scientific schools in Kharkiv, Kyiv, St. Petersburg, and other cities.
The Research Society of undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral students, and young scientists fruitfully works at the School. Starting from the first years of study, students can engage in research work, participate in scientific conferences and publish their scientific works. As a result, the School’s students successfully participate in national research paper contests, national and international competitions in mathematics, mechanics, and programming.
The School’s graduates hold positions of project managers, analysts, statisticians, programmers in companies involved in the development and maintenance of software, in the design of technical devices and technological processes. They work in financial structures that require highly-skilled mathematicians, mechanics, and programmers; in insurance companies and investment funds, in research centers and academic institutes, higher educational establishments. They occupy positions in such well-known companies as Oracle, Google, MicroSoft, and others, and among professors of the most prestigious world universities.
- Global Logic,
- Nix solutions,
- Sigma Ukraine,
- TEAM International,
- Intego Group,
- Physical-Technical Institute of Low Temperatures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
- University Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), Caledonian University (Glasgow, Great Britain), University of Murcia (Spain), University of Lyon (France),
- Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
- Technical University of Munich (Germany),
- Vilnius Technical University (Lithuania),
- Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) (France).
The School maintains academic and scientific contacts with many higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine, as well as the USA, France, Germany, Russia, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, Israel, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Mexico, Turkey, and other countries.
Under these agreements, students have an opportunity to undergo internships during their training period at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), the University of Lyon I (France), Glasgow Caledonian University (Great Britain), Warsaw and Lodz Universities (Poland).
One of the most significant results of such cooperation is the joint Master’s degree program in computer sciences with the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France). The Ukrainian program participants obtain two Master’s diplomas: Karazin University diploma and a partner university diploma.
Within one year of Master’s course, they study at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and undergo internships in the laboratories of the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA). That is, after five years of training, the School’s graduate obtains not only the Ukrainian diploma of Master’s degree in Computer Science but also the French one.
This offers a unique chance in Ukraine and expands the territorial scope of graduates’ employment, which includes EU countries. The School offers the opportunity for researchers in information technology to take a postgraduate course with dual leadership, which also gives the prospect of obtaining a PhD degree in Information Technology in Ukraine and a DSc degree in Informatics in France.